8:00 – 9:30 P.M. – “Start Your Week Right – Vinyasa Flow”
90 min dynamic and balanced flow, perfect to create some energy for the week ahead. The class will incorporate elements of strength, flexibility and breath, with a focus on correct alignment.
Drop-in: 16€ or Urban Sports (M, L, XL) or ClassPass
Address: Choriner Straße 52, 10435 Berlin
To secure a spot please register through USC-App, ClassPass or the following link
8:00 – 8:50 P.M. – “ELDOA™ + Myofascial Stretching”
In this class we will be combining a few methodologies with the goal of overall better movement in the joints, active range of motion, less pain and better alignment.
The methodologies we will draw on in this class are ELDOA™, Myofascial Stretching and Functional Range Conditioning.
ELDOA™ is a form of exercise developed by French osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. The name translates to “Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretches.” ELDOA™ exercises are designed to create space within specific joints of the spine, promoting better alignment, reducing pain, and improving overall function.
Myofascial Stretching (MFS) has the aim to improve the quality of the movement of the tissues in relation to one another. The focus will be on the myofascial system, which includes the muscles and the fascia that surrounds and interconnects them.
Functional Range Conditioning will help us create new and more importantly functional range within the joints. Functional in this case means, we have control over the entire range of movement.
Drop-in: 16€ or Urban Sports (M, L, XL)
Address: Choriner Straße 52, 10435 Berlin
To secure a spot please register through USC-App or the following link